Window Falls Can Be Prevented

Window Falls Can Be Prevented

As the warm weather is upon us, many of us will naturally open the windows in our home. While we enjoy the ability to keep our house cool while keeping the insects out through the use of window screens, many of us don’t think about the danger of what screens can’t keep in – a curious toddler. In fact, on average, eight children ages 5 and under die each year as a result of falling out of windows, and 3,300 children are injured.

Furthermore, the window only needs to be open a mere 4 inches to fall through. And a fall from 10 feet could lead to a spinal injury, paralysis or a fatal head injury. Twenty-eight percent of children who have fallen out of a window require a hospital stay.

Window screens are made to easily pop out for fire safety reasons, but they don’t serve as a barrier to prevent children from falling out. This explains why the weight of a toddler or a small child is enough to pop out the screen.

Read on to see what steps can be taken to prevent window falls.

Install Window Guards As a Safety Measure

Parents should consider installing window guards or window stops as a safety measure to keep children from falling out. Window guards, which screw into the side of a window frame and have bars no more than a few inches apart, have been shown to reduce fatal falls by up to 35%. Parents could also choose to purchase window stops to prevent a window from opening more than a few inches.

More Tips to Prevent Window Falls

Here are additional tips to protect your children from window falls:

  • Keep windows closed and locked when children are around.
  • Keep sofas, chairs and beds (anything your child can climb on) away from windows.
  • Open windows from the top, not the bottom.
  • Secure the curtain pulls or blind cords out of your children’s reach, to prevent strangulation.
  • Supervise children playing near windows that could pose a threat. This could also include balconies.

It’s also a good idea to plant shrubs, flower beds or lay wood chips under a window in order to lessen the extent of an injury should your child fall. In the event that your child falls out of the window, call 911. Never attempt to move the child.

In addition to adult supervision, your children will have a safe, fun time playing indoors!

Grandchild Coming Over? Keep Him Safe.


